Pneumoconiosis is an occupational lung disease caused by the inhalation of dust.
Depending on the type of dust, variants of the disease are considered.
Types include:
Anthracosis - carbon dust
Coalworker's pneumoconiosis (also known as "black lung") - coal dust
Asbestosis - asbestos dust
Silicosis (also known as "grinder's disease") - silica dust
Bauxite fibrosis - bauxite dust
Berylliosis - beryllium dust
Siderosis - iron dust
Byssinosis - cotton dust
Silicosiderosis - mixed dust containing silica and iron
Labrador Lung (found in miners in Labrador, Canada) - mixed dust containing iron, silica and anthophyllite, a type of asbestos
Pneumoconiosis in combination with multiple pulmonary rheumatoid nodules in rheumatoid arthritis patients is known as Caplan's syndrome.
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