Contact us:
The group provides a space where victims and their families can call in for a chat and a cup of tea. It will provide the opportunity to discuss any matters that are of concern. We are also on the end of the telephone to provide help and support. There is no need for anyone to suffer in silence or isolation. All are welcome.
Cheshire Asbestos Victims Support Group (CAVSG)
3 Fryer Street
Home Visiting:
The group will endeavour to provide a home visit to all. However, this service is reliant upon the availability of client advisors and safety guidelines. If a home visit is not possible then a consultation will be done over the telephone.
Home visits/telephone consultations will normally last between 1 and 2 hours.
We will always be happy to chat to those that need advice or just a friendly ear.
Tel: +44(0)1928 576641.